At present time we excessively use PDF file format to distribute our documents, books or something else. But we also want to protect these documents so that nobody can modify these documents. For Example: Publishers of books wants to distribute their books in digital form as a soft copy but they normally use PDF file format. But PDF file format have capability to restrict the documents from modification, copying, printing and some other actions by the users. It uses very strong encryption technology. Due to its strong encryption technology it is not easy to make any modification normally. It is just for the security reason. But sometimes you may forget the password of your important document. In that case Acrobat Key may help you. By using Acrobat Key you can recover the document opening password which is required to open the PDF document. But Acrobat Key can also remove any restriction of PDF document including copying, printing, modification etc. Acrobat Key comes with Brute-Force, Xieve and Dictionary attack technology to decrypt any encrypted PDF documents. It has full modification options so you can search the password according to your requirements. And by the way it also supports special characters.